Botanical Breast Enhancement: Guide

Hormone Imbalances


Here is about hormone balance and some of their manifestations. Serum prolactin, progesterone and estrogen levels work synergistically for breast maintenance, and their proportion is important throughout the cycle. There are more hormones that play a role in the health of the human body.

FSH and Prolactin

Prolonged or heavy periods can be explained by low prolactin and abnormally high FSH. Light or a delay in menstruation can be explained by high prolactin levels.

Prolactin imbalances may aggravate mood disorders. Dopamine and prolactin influence each other. The brain also reacts to hormones on its own.

Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can occur during premenstrual phase. It is commonly recommended to lower salt intake and to avoid alcohol during this time.

Low levels of progestogens allopregnanolone, pregnenolone, pregnanolone and 5α-dihydroprogesterone are associated with negative mood during the late luteal phase. Pregnenolone is the precursor to progesterone, which suggests lack of progestogen conversion for hormonal balance. Progestogens allopregnanolone and 5α-dihydroprogesterone are neurosteroids formed by 5α-reductase from other progestogens that help the brain cope with stress during the luteal phase. Alcohol may cause problems, because it decreases allopregnanolone levels during premenstrual phase.

Premenstrual syndrome is associated with hormonal changes due to the monthly disintegration of the corpus luteum at the end of secretory phase. The corpus luteum produces the majority of progestogens in the human body, and lack of certain progesterones are associated with negative symptoms. During premenstrual phase, progesterone levels drop due to an absence of the corpus luteum, and this likely contributes susceptibility to premenstrual syndome.

Lowering salt intake is commonly recommended to reduce PMS bloating. Many symptoms can be attributed to high levels of mineralocorticoids, which regulate salts and are breakdown products of progestogens. The mineralocorticoid alderosterone influences the body to retain liquids and sodium, but it also causes loss of potassium. High amounts of potassium salt were also surprisingly associated with PMS symptoms. These imbalances may be responsible for bodily swelling as well.

Androgens and LH

Androgenic symptoms like hirsutism, alcopecia and poor insulin sensitivity are associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and high LH. Estrogen deficiency occurs when insufficient estrogen is converted from androgens, and it contributes to a buildup of other steroid hormones, including androgens. Exercise is commonly used as a treatment for PCOS to lower abnormal amounts of androgens caused by negative feedback due to insulin insensitivity.

Androgen insufficiency in women is rare, except in late reproductive years and afterwards. A few symptoms of adrenal insufficiency are fatigue, loss of libido, loss of appetite and nauseousness. Androgens play a role in women’s health, for instance, for causing growth spurts during puberty.



A hormone imbalance can cause reduced fertility, and a prolonged excessive imbalance is a risk for sterility. Hormone receptor insensitivity can result from an excess of any particular hormone which can contribute to lowered fertility. PCOS, uterine fibriods, ovarian shrinkage, primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) and endometriosis are associated with reduced fertility.

Progesterone deficiency or insensitivity of the reproductive tract, and abnormally high levels of bodily estrogen can contribute to endometriosis (uterine tissue growing outside the uterus). A past history of heavy menstruation that spreads uterine shedding can also contribute to endometriosis as in retrograde menstruation. Severe endometriosis may block physical passageways needed for fertilization. Progesterone with estrogen, likely by offering antagonist or opposing actions, have reduced endometriosis in a study.

PCOS is consistent with abnormally high LH and androgen levels, which is consistent with low estrogen levels. Severe PCOS can cause damage to the ovaries.

Contractions are caused by high serum levels of FSH or LH, which is a risk to an existing pregnancy.

In cases of ovarian or fallopian tube shrinkage, reduced fertility can often be reversed, until if sterility occurs. The fallopian tubes, like the breasts, are affected by ERα, and the ovaries are affected by ERβ.

An imbalance of low estrogen, high FSH and low AMH levels is consistent with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). POI is a similar condition to DOR that is also marked by low estrogen and high FSH levels. Symptoms of POI are similar to those of low estrogen and low androgen levels. Estrogen insensitivity could possibly be associated with POI and DOR. Low levels of inhibin are also associated with reduced fertility.

An excess of clover, hops and the mycotoxin ZEN are capable of shrinking the gonads which can eventually lead to the occurrence of sterility. Clover and hops are definitely known to raise prolactin. Lowered birth-weight of animals is anecdotal evidence of prolactin properties of ZEN, which is considered a mycoestrogen. For animals grazing on clover, the outcome of reduced fertility has been known as “clover disease.” Farm animals that were fed clover and were administered estrogen had less offspring than animals that just ate clover by itself. Based on clover's stronger effects on ERβ in the reproductive tract than hops, clover's infertility effects appear to be more potent than hops.

High prolactin, coupled with low levels of FSH, can cause symptoms consistent with diminished fertility and shrinkage of the ovaries. Progesterone and prolactin are capable of pausing the menstrual cycle for pregnancy or nursing, as are also their roles during the luteal phase.

There may be other hormonal imbalances that cause reproductive changes which contribute to lack of fertility. Not all infertility cases can be determined by symptoms of menstrual irregularity.

For post-menopausal women, progesterone levels are naturally negligible due to lack of menstrual cycling.


A history of hormonal inconsistencies can be related to breast conditions. Prolactin influences mammary gland size which possibly then influences nipple or areola development. Estrogen causes the extension of ducts, which allows room for branching by other hormones. Otherwise, a hormone excess can cause fibriotic breasts. In theory, a lack of bodily prolactin, and possibly an excess of estrogen can be a cause for inverted nipple. Ductal elongation is caused by estrogen, so a consistent higher proportion of estrogen to prolactin or progesterone can explain the shape of tuberous breasts. History of menstrual irregularities may be common with tuberous breasts or inverted nipples.

Theories on Cancer Treatments

When a well intended cancer treatment works against a specific cancer, the cancer's receptors usually become desensitized. This situation is also seen in the analogies of steroid and drug use, where more and more is needed to get a desired effect to a diminished body response and diminishing ability for bodily regulation. With receptor targeted therapy, the receptor must be re-sensitized for a cancer therapy to remain effective. This often seems to be the case in receptor negative types of cancer. Otherwise, a stronger medicine is given, and it becomes less and less effective. Not all substances with a specific hormone attribute have anti-cancer properties to be used for re-sensitization of receptor responses. This idea was extended from a few studies about upregulating specific receptors for more effective cancer treatment.

It is thought that insoluble dietary plant fiber, which otherwise cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream, is digested by intestinal flora to produce anti-cancer chemicals which enter the body.


This is from the second chapter of breast-endocrinology.pdf. The previous chapter is Biology. super-bazongas.pdf continues on herb use.

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