Botanical Breast Enhancement: Guide

Anon07 herbal breast enlargement program



Anon07's herbal breast enlargement program.

Starting measurements:

  • Bust: 34-36B
  • Hips: 36 EUR

Past history of PCOS, and absence of menses to 4 times a year. Gained weight since then, and used BCP in the past. Menses now occurs more regularly and hormones are comparatively more balanced since then, before starting.

There's no use of BCP in this herb program.

She grew almost a cup size from this program from early May until late June. Her bust went from a B cup to a small C cup.

This herb schedule is outdated and is for archival purposes.

For further introduction on starting a herbal program, please see: guide. For information and programs on correcting hirsutism, please also see: hirsutism-topic. There are programs with images of growth under the category of: Programs. To determine when to use parts of these herb schedules, please see: menstrual phases.

Please see, the programs:

  • Menses: For normalizing menses and alleviating unwanted symptoms.
  • Nonmenses: Simplified program for nonmenses which can substitute proliferative and luteal programs.
    • Proliferative: Program for proliferative phase.
    • Luteal: Program for luteal phase. Secretory and premenstrual phases are a part of luteal phase.
    • BCP01: This program is for BCP and IUD use. It uses the nonmenses herb schedule, but depending on responses to certain herb combinations, the proliferative and luteal herb schedules can be used as well.


For the first day of menses, a tea was taken of: 3 fenugreek seeds, 1 sunflower seed, minimal spearmint and minimal hops. Breasts got slightly longer from this, but no other significant changes in size. [Menses was light and short in duration.]


For late proliferative, before starting the journal with assistance, she took tea of: 1 fennel seed, 2 sunflower seeds, and an excessive amount of spearmint. From this, there was bust swelling and widening, which lowered a bit the next day. There was also minor acne, which isn't common for proliferative, and minor headache.

The next day, which was yesterday, she took a tea of 1 sunflower seed and a smaller sized amount of spearmint. There was tingling and temperature was slightly high for proliferative during this time. Hours later, there was breast swelling and widening. Acne was later gone.

Today, while it's still proliferative, she took a tea of: 4 sunflower seeds, 1 fennel seed and the smallest amount of dried spearmint (the size of fennel or smaller).

There was growth, including lengthening, from that tea. There were also strong tingles for a time afterwards.

Another day she took 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil, with a similiar tea of: 1 fennel seed, a small amount of spearmint and 16 sunflower seeds. There was breast lengthening from this by the next day. Headache and terrible mood described. So sunflower seed needs to be lowered.

During what was estimated to be mid-proliferative, a tea of 1 fennel seed, 1 sunflower seed and minimal spearmint didn't cause growth. So, a day later, a tea of 1 fenugreek seed, 1 fennel seed, 1 sunfower seed and minimal spearmint caused growth. A day later, a tea of 1 fennel seed, 1 sunflower seed and minimal spearmint caused growth. She will try a tea of 1 fennel seed and a pea-size amount of sesame seed.

There was minor growth from a tea of: 1 fennel seed and a pea-sized amount of sesame seeds. Sesame seeds were intended to replace spearmint and sunflower seed. The next tea will add 1 sunflower seed to that.

From a tea of 1 fennel seed, 1 sunflower seed and a pea-sized amount of sesame seeds there was breast swelling. After swelling subsided, some growth in length and width stayed. There was also light headache that went away.

From a tea of sesame seed and 1 fennel seed, without sunflower, there was noticeable [breast] growth [, and possibly hip size fluctuations].

There was also swelling from a tea with minimal fennel seed, increased sunflower and sesame seed. When the amount of sesame was lowered, light acne occured. Some of these teas used half a fennel seed. These teas were taken a day or two apart.

Luteal (secretory & premenstrual)

For the first tea of secretory, which will be for any of the first 3 days of this phase, she will take a tea of: 1 fenugreek seed, 1 sunflower seed, minimal spearmint, and hops about equal to all other parts combined.

From that first tea of secretory, bust size temporarily went down, but by the next day, her breasts widened and grew larger than before that tea. There was no additional growth the day after, but this growth stayed. Hops could be lower to lessen fluctuation. Fenugreek was required for the first day of secretory.

She made a tea of: minimal spearmint, 2 sunflower seeds, and hops about equal to all other parts. For the rest of secretory, 1 fenugreek seed will be used if progesterone signs are low or high, or if there's acne.

Breast size temporarily lowered, but then breast size was fuller than before from the last tea.

Tea of: minimal spearmint, 2 sunflower seeds, 1 fenugreek seed, and hops about equal to all other parts.

From the tea including 1 fenugreek seed, breast size went up a lot by the next day, then decreased a bit a day later.

A day after a tea of minimal spearmint, and half a flake size of hops, menses [seemed to restart, but it was spotting]. There wasn't immediate breast shrinking or growth from this, but there were tingles. From this tea, there was an elongation of shape and breast swelling after menses started. There was also acne. Minimal sunflower and sesame seed was considered with this tea. Menses restarting could also have been in part due to the previous tea as well.

There was spotting from the tea taken during secretory of: minimal spearmint and a little more hops. Adding minimal sunflower to this likely would of had a better result. It was first thought to be menses, until spotting went down, so it could still be luteal phase. There was also breast swelling, mostly elongation, from that.

For what was thought to be the first day of menses, a tea was taken of: 2 fenugreek seeds, 1 sunflower seed and minimal spearmint. Hops was left out because of breast swelling. There were additional tingles, but no shrinkage or growth from this by the next day. She will take a break for a day or until more is determined.

From tea of 1 seed each or minimal fenugreek, sunflower and spearmint, there was minor breast lengthening by the next day and no other significant changes.

From tea of 3 fenugreek seeds, minimal spearmint and 1 sunflower seed, there was minor breast widening. [About 36 hours later there was breast swelling.]

She took a tea of: 20 fenugreek seeds, minimal spearmint, 1 sunflower seed and a pinch of sesame. Then she repeated this during acne. Breasts described to be at their biggest.

For the first tea of secretory, she took a tea of: 5 fenugreek seeds, 1 sunflower seed and 5 sesame seeds. Breast widening and lengthening occurred and stayed. As suspected, spearmint wasn't needed here, and enough sesame seed was needed to replace it.

A few days later, while there were no signs of acne, she took a tea of: 30 fenugreek seeds, 1 sunflower seed, a rice-size amount of hops and ¼ as much sesame seed as fenugreek. Breast width grew and stayed. Breast length growth was mostly temporary.

A day later, she took a similar tea with increased fenugreek and sesame seed. The amount of hops stayed the same.

For the rest of secretory, minimal hops will be used when acne is present. Other times, hops can be left off, or be used on occassion.

A teaspoon of coconut oil was taken with these teas.