Botanical Breast Enhancement: Guide

Herb profiles

Picture of Vitex
Caulophyllum; blue cohoshCan worsen heart problems
Dioscorea; wild yamContains diosgenin, a mild progesterone analog. Conditionally increases estrogen response.
Galega; goats rueUsed as a galactagogue. Not to be confused with rue (Ruta).
Helianthus; sunflowerLikely contains an ERβ antagonist. Similar properties to lavender. Belongs to Aster family.
Lepidium; macaHas nutritional value.
Nigella; black seedUsed as a galactagogue. Belongs to the ranunculus (Ranunculaceae) family. Known as black caraway, black cumin, nutmeg flower and roman coriander. Has a similar name to unrelated plants: not related to caraway, cumin and nutmeg. Is related to wild fennel (Nigella), but not related to fennel (Foeniculum) of the carrot/celery family.
Schisandra; schizandraSimilar to Panax ginseng. [Schizandra chinensis]
Taraxacum; dandelionHas nutritional value. Belongs to Aster family.
* Many recommended herbs have anti-tumor properties against their target receptor, except licorice, fennel and kudzu.
Pictures of different herbs or seeds in small amounts

Mallow family

Marshmallow (Althea) and Rosemallow (Hibiscus) belong to the Malvaceae or Mallow family. Marshmallow has an association as a galactogogue, but there's not a lot of information out on its hormonal properties. Hibiscus increases prolactin.

Cotton, cocoa, durian and okra are also of the Malvaceae family, but aren't of interest for nbe.

Celery family

The celery family includes several herbs with hormonal properties: angelica (dong quai), anise, caraway, carrots, celery, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, parsley. These herbs have varying hormonal properties. A few contain stilbenes such as anethole, estragole and their variants, which are likely ERα antagonists.

Dill contains trans-anethole and flavonoids. It conditionally increases the production of progesterone.

Anise contains anethole.

Unfortunately, the celery family has a few toxic members that can cause severe permanent injury to the touch and death: hemlock, fool's parsley and hog weed. These deadly plants resemble other members within the celery family.

Be sure you properly identify safe herbs before handling or use.


Don't mix up dandelion with the toxic plant Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara).

Lignan containing foods, herbs, seeds

Sesame seed and flaxseed contains the highest known amounts of lignans. Sesame seeds contain medioresinol and cyclolariciresinol. Rye contains a variety of lignans. Barley, sunflower seed and pumpkin seed are other sources of lignans. Lignans are available in the solids of these foods, herbs or seeds, and amounts are negligible in their oils.

Sesame seeds

Some of the teas say to use minimal sesame seeds (about 10). Is it OK that I eat tahini or hummus or foods that contain a lot of sesame seeds in them?

For the first doses of a phase, avoid additional sesame seed (including from foods), because it will likely cause unwanted results.

As an update, the amount of sesame seed was reduced to 5 seeds, and only when there's acne, tingling or premenstrual symptoms and breast warmth. It's no longer used when there's swelling alone. Sesame always has to be used with sunflower seed.

Herb safety

Is it safe to use herbs?

There are risks for herb use for everyone, particularly effects from hormone imbalances.

Everyone has to monitor for negative signs such as hot-flashes, abnormal temperature, hirsutism and menstrual irregularities. Herb and other concentrate extracts are risky, so if used, limit extracts to no more than 1 drop per day. Also, it is dangerous to use extracts in an attempt to overcome plateaus. A plateau means the body has reached an equilibrium, which lessens the potential for hormones to have consequences on the body. Taking extracts then will promote a hormone imbalance that can desensitize receptors and result in lowered fertility or infertility.

Hormones and effects on receptor subtypes must be balanced. Concentrates and excessive doses are not the way to overcome plateaus. A negative effect on estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) can, for instance, atrophy the fallopian tubes. Too much effect of progesterone can reduce ovarian size and reduce the body's estrogen levels.

Mints, fennel and dill contain stilbenes (estragole and anthole) that are questionable on their effects on cancer. These are commonly used spices and herbs in foods which typically hasn't been a major concern. Use of these herbs will (from now on) be limited to small amounts (under 65mg per use or under 250mg per day), and they are suggested with herbs that have anti-tumor or anti-cancer properties.

Pueraria's effects on cancer are circumstanial. It appears to innoculate against cancers, but when cancer is present it has a reputation of making the condition worse. A few substances like Zen behave this way too.

Scroll down for more.

Is it safe to use herbs for someone who is 18 years old?

More care has to be taken for those who are young adults, because herbs can interfere with normal development.

Is this breast growth schedule safe to use if you have a possible hormonal imbalance?

Will it help with this? I know herbs can regulate your schedule, but can this help?

The safest herb dose to use is in the recommended example in guide. All of the mentioned herbs in that combination have to be present for the expectation of the noted result. The herb dose in the ebook is very similar. They have provided signs of a balanced hormone response.

For most cases of hirsutism, it should improve a balanced hormone response, including that of estrogen. In extreme cases of hirsutism, it has a better chance of working than anything else, but there is slight probability it may not work. The herb combination without sunflower has worked for someone with hirsutism, and the one with sunflower seed should work more consistently, based on that combinations with sunflower have worked better. This herb formula should work for those with balanced hormones too. Its use is less certain for those with high estrogen.

Nutrition has to be considered. After a few successes, it is suggested to take herb combinations with dietary fiber. Taking herb combinations in the presence of caffeine can potentially cause the opposite intended effect and make hormone imbalances worse. There has been evidence of this.

Herb substitutions

Is there a herb substitution for hops?

There isn't a known full substitute for hops. Clover raises prolactin like Silybum and hops, but it interacts with different estrogen receptors. Clover, hops and milkthistle raise prolactin. Clover has an estrogenic effect on ERβ, so its use must be limited, perferably to mid secretory phase. Milkthistle has more effects on the breasts, like hops. Milkthistle acts on both ERα and ERβ, but its specific effects on them is uncertain. It is also uncertain if milkthistle upregulates progesterone receptors (PR) as hops does. There are other thistles that have the same folklore reputation as Silybum, but their exact constituents and properties are uncertain.

Is there a herb substitution for fenugreek?

There isn't a surely known single herb replacement for fenugreek. Asparagus and suma have similar properties. Not enough is known about suma. Suma and asparagus can be used with fenugreek, perhaps to increase its effect, so less fenugreek can be used.

Is fenugreek seed the same as fenugreek leaf?

Feungreek seed is the one used and is often used for breast health. I'm uncertain of the efficacy of fenugreek leaf. Some combinations require fenugreek seed, and if the leaf doesn't substitute it, that combination might not work. If you have fenugreek leaf, try a herb combination that doesn't require fenugreek. For instance, don't use clover with fenugreek leaf, until more becomes known.

I wanted to avoid hops and fenugreek because of their potential effects on blood sugar.

As little as 20mg of herb is effective. With certain similar herbs, less of hops and fenugreek can be tried for effectiveness. Substitute herbs are also likely have similar effects on blood sugar. Trying this will require caution. With these herbs, unrefined sugar and water can be taken with them. Refined sugar is not recommended, because its nutrients are stripped, and because it has traces of chemicals used for extraction that can gradually build up in the body.

Herb forms

The guide recommends rice grain amount of hops, is that in powder form or of the actual plant? Is it recommended to tear off small rice grain size pieces of leaves of hops?

You can use hops powder, or a small amount from the hops cone (flower) itself. Hops from the cone/flower will be stronger. You can tear a rice-sized piece off to use it. This may be hard to find, so hops powder is very strong as it is and works well. A capsule can be opened, and the amount of hops powder needed can be used. For convenience, a pill dispenser can be used to store the previously opened capsule.

How do you do the mg measurements if you have capsules?

Go by the amounts on the label, and be mindful if two capsules make up one serving. If it's in powder form, open the capsule, and divide the amount on the label by the fraction of the capsule was used at that time. Exact amounts in milligrams isn't needed. If it's in gelcap form, use either the whole capsule or about a drop amount. Either a pinch amount, a fraction of a capsule or a whole amount is needed. Proportions and having existent but minimal amounts when suggested is what's important.

A scale can also be used, if you want.

[Herb] measurements: Hi there, Sorry as i think that the question has been asked before, but I couldn't find a clear answer. Is it possible to give a general measurement of the herbs used? for example, 50 mg of fenugreek, 50 mg of fennel, 50 mg of spearmint, etc , is it close to half a teaspoon from each herb? or is it more or less than that? for example, i use about half a teaspoon of hops, but it becomes so bitter so maybe i'm using a lot.i searched the internet trying to find an estimate but couldn't. thank you in advance.

A minimal amount or 1 part each is 1 individual seed or the equivalent of herb to 1 fenugreek seed. Amounts are also described in programs. If the herb is too bitter, you can add a teaspoon raw sugar to the drink.

Tea: What is the quantity of herbs needed for a tea?

A minimal amount of each herb in solid form is from 25mg to 125mg. Use the lowest amounts in cases of hormone imbalances or low body weight. 1 part of each herb in solid form is 250mg. The higher an amount for each herb is, the more chances a herb combination won't work. 1,000mg of each herb has worked for some, but not for others. Way larger amounts do not consistently work for most. Amounts of 250mg and lower for others in the right combinations more regularly offer reasonable and consistent gains.

There are examples of herb proportions in program blogs, and guidelines for herb amounts in the Botanical chapter of the ebook.

What about comparing amounts of ground and loose forms of herbs?

Herbs in ground form weigh more than herbs in unground form per the same amount of volume. Solid herb form will refer to ground herbs, loose (unground) herbs, and capsule herbs. The way to compare herbs in solid form is to measure weight.

If a herb is taken as tea, put into the tea that amount of herb in solid form. The left over herb can also be taken. As a note, it is easy to mis-estimate the amount of herb in an herbal tea bag, so this is why measuring weight is often necessary.

I assume if I grind up the seed its effects should work the same?

Ground up herb will be more potent, but its shelf-life becomes lessened. Unground herb will work too. Balance of herb properties is prefered over potency. Higher herb strength can result in lowered efficacy. Use either ground or unground forms of herb.

Do i drink the tea with the herbs or do i just drink the water from the tea?

The tea without the left over solid herb will do. Every once in a while, it's good to take the left over solid herb for fiber.

Has anyone used supplements (capsules) vs whole herb?

Some have used capsules. They are fine, except when they are substituted with fillers, or contain traces of unlisted supplements. When the supplement product is genuine, simply whole herb provides better value. Whole herb is usually easier to identify, but with either, you still have to be certain that you are getting the product as labeled. There was a case last week where a brick-and-mortar store sold a toxic herb, and it sent someone to the hospital. Here is a video about herbal supplements, PBS NewsHour: Store-bought herbal supplements may not be what they seem, and there is more information to find online.

Herb sourcing

Those who used the herbs mentioned can you tell me where you purchased the whole herb (hard to find where I live!)

Some solid herbs can be found in spice stores, farmers markets, health food stores and grocery stores. These stores can be found through or its equivalent.

Fenugreek can often be found in these stores. Spearmint is easy to find as made for tea, but the serving amount has to be reduced from the amount that is too much. Sunflower seed is also easy to find.

4 ounces of a solid herb will last a while.

Herbs can be identified in nature, but for some herbs it is not recommended. Mint, chasteberry, asparagus, hops and kudzu in whole or fresh form can be easily identified. Herbs related to the celery family such as dill, fennel or liquorice can be easily mistaken for deadly plants. Mushrooms are not suggested, because seemingly identical but completely different species can not be identified by visual cues alone.

Serious misidentifcations of solid herbs by brick and mortar stores have happened before, but have been rare. Check the reputational history of the store and its reviews.

Supplements: capsules, gelcaps

Herbs in capsule form often worked. Some herbs are commonly available in gel cap form, and suggestions are to dilute a single capsule in unrefined olive oil for extended use.

There were common cases in the past, where many brands including store brands used fillers and impurities in thier herb supplements. This was often not dangerous, but it was a nuisance. PBS NewsHour has a video clip dated from 2015 with some information about this, Store-bought herbal supplements may not be what they seem. This may have possibly changed a lot since that was reported.

USP is one standardization label for herb supplements. This label obviously doesn't apply to spices and bulk herbs.

iHerb is used for some, as an International herb supplement supplier.

What bulk herb suppliers are there?

I wanted to avoid advertising for anyone. Companies that use or have used sustainable practices, or other good practices will be prefered for mentioned.

For herb suppliers in the United States of America, Mother Earth Living lists: Frontier Co-op (Iowa), Oregon's Wild Harvest (Oregon), Pacific Botanicals (Oregon) and Mountain Rose Herbs (Oregon). Rainforest Nutrition (Nevada) was a company that once sold plenty of herbs: most were not common herbs. Starwest Botanicals and Banyan Botanicals are two other bulk herb suppliers. Many of these brands, I had recently learned about and haven't had a chance to use them before.

For herb suppliers in Canada, Reddit thread about Canadian based herb shippers listed: Botanic Planet (Ontario), Sapphire Blue (Ontario) and Penny Lane (Ontario). There is a supplier named there, but they didn't have many solid herb products, and there was an extra charge if minimum order was under $100. I am unfamiliar with these Canadian based brands.

Austral Herbs is one bulk herb supplier for Australia. There may be others.

You can look for a reputable supplier online that is based in the E.U., Australia, Canada, the U.K., the U.S. or the country of origin of the herb. Suggestions for bulk herb shipping companies that use sustainable or other good practices will be considered for posting, especially for different geographical regions.



See precautions for more details of care to be taken with herb use. Proper nutrition is a consideration for health. Also, check for the latest blog updates about herb and hormone safety.

It is very important that menses be light and not prolonged.

If you have hirsutism, PCOS, hot-flashes, other signs of hormone imbalances, see estrogen-imbalance, and hirsutism program journals at hirusitism-topic before trying herbs.

Herb concentrates can be tens of times more potent by weight than herbs in solid form. This can easily lead to hormone imbalances. For this reason, concentrate extracts are not recommended for extended or excessive internal use, especially during fertility years. Concentrates shouldn't be used to overcome plateaus. Another issue with herbal extracts, is that they may not have the full range of properties of the herb. Essential oils are not recommended for breast enhancement. If opting to use herbal extracts, use food grade extracts, with no more than 1 drop at a time diluted in water.


Jellie's breast enhancement results from 2017 until 2018

For the latest herb programs and how to get started, see: guide. Pictures of breast enhancement can be seen in the program journals of Anon02, Anon08, Anon09, Bubblemelon and Jellie.

For resources on hips and butt enhancement, see: /appendix/hips-butt-enhancement and /appendix/kettlebell.

breast-endocrinology.pdf describes the science of breast development and endocrinology. It also describes symptoms related to hormone imbalances. Biology and hormone imbalances are excerpts from this ebook. breast-endocrinology.pdf uses a Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 4.0) license. blog

Anon12 July - July 04, 2024
Anon12 images from July. Difficult to see if there was growth.

Lignan adjustments: July 7, 2024 - July 08, 2024
Removing herbal lignans from some recommendations, seemed to be adding to swelling/bloating.

Journal note - July 08, 2024
About journal for more constant and minor page changes of herb and program pages. Update on Anon14.

Adjustments to herb schedule related to progestins - July 04, 2024
The recommendations that went along with herbal progestins, seemed to be adding to swelling/bloating

Nonmenses addition for estrogenic symptoms - July 04, 2024
For nonmenses, intended to be the simplified herb schedule, an addition will be added for estrogenic symptoms when there's no swelling.

IUD herb program - June 07, 2024
IUD program

Anon14 - June 07, 2024

Anon12 - June 07, 2024

Status: herb programs by end of May - May 31, 2024
Status for end of May

Status on advertisements - June 02, 2024
Status for end of May

Advertisements and Discounts - July 05, 2024
Discounts and additional advertisements.

Updated herb schedules - April 27, 2024
Updated herb schedules, closer to how they were before

Determining updates for luteal phase schedule - March 07, 2024
The luteal phase schedule causes unnecessary swelling/bloating, which doesn't aid in growth. Working on updating this.

Status of non-menses herb schedule - February 22, 2024
Scrapping latest non-menses herb schedule.

Breast growth compared to swelling - October 20, 2022
Breast growth compared to swelling based on experience. Guest contributed entry.

Start a program - July 04, 2024
Start a program is back - May 03, 2024 is back


Etymology & Definitions:
