Botanical Breast Enhancement: Guide

Chuchuhuasi; Gnikélé

Picture of Maytenus rothiana flowers on branch

Chuchuhuasi, Chuchuhuasha, Chuchuaso and Gnikélé are common names within the genus of Maytenus used in traditional medicine. Studies have shown Maytenus' medicinal values for soothing nerve responses and for menstruation, as consistent with traditional use.


Chuchuhuasi describes the species of Maytenus macrocarpa and possibly other species of Maytenus from the Amazon rainforest. Chuchuhuasha or Chuchuaso is the common name of Maytenus laevis. Gnikélé is the name of Maytenus senegalensis which is from the African continent.

The genus of Maytenus (Maytenus Spp.) was formerly recognized as Gymnosporia (Spp.).


Picture of Maytenus senegalensis (Gnikélé) flowers on branch

Research has shown that the chemical pristimern from species of Maytenus slows the spread of breast cancer.


For hormone balance

Picture of Maytenus obtusifolia flowers on branch

Chuchuhuasi (Maytenus) use is for menstrual cycle symptoms, and not necessarily directly for herbal breast enhancement.

Maytenus has anti-inflamatory, anti-spasm and pain relieving properties that assist with menstrual cramp pain (dysmenorrhea). This effect was shown in Gnikélé (Maytenus senegalensis) for its pain-relieving and anti-inflamatory effects. Maytenus rigida specifically demonstrated an anti-spasm effect. These effects seem common generally amongst species of Maytenus, as of how its use is described throughout traditional medicine.

The parts of Maytenus plants that are used are its bark and root.

Similar herbs

Picture of Maytenus distichophylla tree trunk

Also useful for reducing menstrual cramps are of the Viburnum genus: Cramp Bark (V. opulus) and Black Haw (V. prunifolium).


See precautions for more details of care to be taken with herb use. Proper nutrition is a consideration for health. Also, check for the latest blog updates about herb and hormone safety.

It is very important that menses be light and not prolonged.

If you have hirsutism, PCOS, hot-flashes, other signs of hormone imbalances, see estrogen-imbalance, and hirsutism program journals at hirusitism-topic before trying herbs.

Herb concentrates can be tens of times more potent by weight than herbs in solid form. This can easily lead to hormone imbalances. For this reason, concentrate extracts are not recommended for extended or excessive internal use, especially during fertility years. Concentrates shouldn't be used to overcome plateaus. Another issue with herbal extracts, is that they may not have the full range of properties of the herb. Essential oils are not recommended for breast enhancement. If opting to use herbal extracts, use food grade extracts, with no more than 1 drop at a time diluted in water.


Jellie's breast enhancement results from 2017 until 2018

For the latest herb programs and how to get started, see: guide. Pictures of breast enhancement can be seen in the program journals of Anon02, Anon08, Anon09, Bubblemelon and Jellie.

For resources on hips and butt enhancement, see: /appendix/hips-butt-enhancement and /appendix/kettlebell.

breast-endocrinology.pdf describes the science of breast development and endocrinology. It also describes symptoms related to hormone imbalances. Biology and hormone imbalances are excerpts from this ebook. breast-endocrinology.pdf uses a Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 4.0) license. blog

Anon12 July - July 04, 2024
Anon12 images from July. Difficult to see if there was growth.

Lignan adjustments: July 7, 2024 - July 08, 2024
Removing herbal lignans from some recommendations, seemed to be adding to swelling/bloating.

Journal note - July 08, 2024
About journal for more constant and minor page changes of herb and program pages. Update on Anon14.

Adjustments to herb schedule related to progestins - July 04, 2024
The recommendations that went along with herbal progestins, seemed to be adding to swelling/bloating

Nonmenses addition for estrogenic symptoms - July 04, 2024
For nonmenses, intended to be the simplified herb schedule, an addition will be added for estrogenic symptoms when there's no swelling.

IUD herb program - June 07, 2024
IUD program

Anon14 - June 07, 2024

Anon12 - June 07, 2024

Status: herb programs by end of May - May 31, 2024
Status for end of May

Status on advertisements - June 02, 2024
Status for end of May

Advertisements and Discounts - July 05, 2024
Discounts and additional advertisements.

Updated herb schedules - April 27, 2024
Updated herb schedules, closer to how they were before

Determining updates for luteal phase schedule - March 07, 2024
The luteal phase schedule causes unnecessary swelling/bloating, which doesn't aid in growth. Working on updating this.

Status of non-menses herb schedule - February 22, 2024
Scrapping latest non-menses herb schedule.

Breast growth compared to swelling - October 20, 2022
Breast growth compared to swelling based on experience. Guest contributed entry.

Start a program - July 04, 2024
Start a program is back - May 03, 2024 is back


Etymology & Definitions: