Botanical Breast Enhancement: Guide

Herbal Precautions

Hormone excess can cause fibriotic breasts, and cell receptor desensitization. A prolonged excessive hormone imbalance can be a cancer and fertility risk. Menstruation irregularities may sometimes signify hormone imbalances. Included in this section are specific examples of care to be taken.

Excessive prolactin or progesterone imbalances may also aggravate mood disorders. For one, prolactin and dopamine influence each other. The brain also reacts to hormones on it's own.

FSH and LH are responsible for egg release and preparation. An excess of serum FSH can cause multiple egg release, potentially allowing multiple pregnancies if conceiving. An imbalance of low estrogen levels is consistent with adverse symptoms of primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). It is uncertain the effects that other hormone imbalances have on issues related to POI. Contractions are caused by FSH, and significant serum levels of FSH and LH are unsafe during pregnancy. Be cautious with herbs that raise androgens, FSH, LH or other hormones to abnormal levels.

For post-menopausal women, there would be lack of menstrual cycling to hint at hormone levels, and serum levels of progesterones are typically low.

Herbs and fertility

Herbs that desensitize receptors and enzymes in the reproductive tract must be limited to no more than a peasized amount per day in solid form. Care must also be taken with herbs that upregulate receptors in the reproductive tract.

Prolactin and progesterone

A prolonged excessive imbalance of prolactin and progesterone in comparison to other serum hormones may cause fertility problems. There is evidence that excessive phytoprogestin or phytoprolactin herbs, such as clover or hops, can shrink the gonads and offspring. "Clover disease" has been an outcome on animals grazing on clover, and it is a condition where sterility can eventually occur. ZEN is considered a mycoestrogen, but antedoctal evidence of its effects on reduced fertility suggests it may possibly fall into the category of having progestogenic effects. Adverse properties are what also make ZEN a mycotoxin. In these cases, reduced fertility can usually be reversed, until if sterility occurs. Prolactin applies here, because it influences an increase in progesterone, and both hormones are capable of pausing the menstrual cycle, as are their roles in the luteal phase, pregnancy or nursing.


Lack of estrogen, is an indirect cause of hot-flashes, and it signifies lowered fertility.

Sensitization of ERα and ERβ are very important for reproductive health in the presence of balanced hormones. ERβ is in the ovaries, and its function must be healthy.

Many DHT lowering herbs desensitize aromatase enzymes, when used in large amounts. DHT and its metabolite βdiol alternatively upregulate aromatase conversion.

Herb programs attempting to correct imbalances

Please see the herb programs hirsutism01 and hirsutism02.

Herb amounts

The reader is responsible for researching ingredient safety, and for using prudence. Please read product instructions, if applicable, and check safety for herbal extracts. Also, check herb interactions with medications or other herbs.

Only ingest food grade botanicals in small amounts, and do not ingest herbs that have dubious properties. Any supplement should be taken with enough water. Powdered supplements of any kind make the liver and kidney work harder, so this must be diluted with water.

Avoid herbs which easily become toxic, as such herbs are also useless or unnecessary. Examples are Kava which can easily cause organ failure, or pennyroyal from the mint family.

For herbs that contain varying properties on tumor cells, avoid them if health is poor, or there is a family history of cancer. For instance, some herbs innoculate against cancer cells if used early on, but can make problems worse if used when cancer is present. If opting to use these types of herbs when healthy, limit their use to minimal amounts.

Herb extracts

Be aware that extracts can be tens of times more potent per weight than solid herbs, leading to safety concerns. For this reason, herbal concentrates are not recommended for extended of excessive internal use, especially during fertility years. Another issue with extrats is they may not have the full range of properties of the solid herb. If opting to use extracts, use less than the recommended dosage on the bottle, or no more than 3 drops at a time, diluted in food grade carrier oil.

Certain oils like Lavender oil and tea tree oil can only be used topically after being diluted.


Topicals should be avoided on the hips, because there could be an imbalanced effect of a positive effect on the surface, and under-representative effects internally. If topicals are used on the bust and herbs are used through a dietary program, effects on the hips and reproductive tract are expected to be similar, and can be compensated for. Steroidal hormones are expected to have a more equal effect on the same receptors if herbs are taken internally. Phytohormones would have to provide antagonism not only for the surface, but equally within the body for health.

Deodorant and breast cancer

Deodorants and other body products that contain aluminum have been suspected of increasing the chances of breast cancer. This claim, however, is not agreed upon. The American Cancer Society claims that most breast cancers start closet to the armpit, because this is where more breast tissue resides, and not necessarily because of deordorant use. Some researchers point out that aluminum is stored in fatty tissue. They also point out that an ingredient by itself, may not cause as much problems as when other potential toxic ingredients are combined. "Aluminium and breast cancer: Sources of exposure, tissue measurements and mechanisms of toxicological actions on breast biology" claims that aluminum promotes "gene instability".

There is also the chance that baby powder can contain asbestos.*

It is not worth the risk of using questionable body products that can interfere, especially, with herbal breast enhancement.

There is an alternate inexpensive solution to using deodorants with aluminum in them. A natural and effective antiperspirant and deodorant is a mix of half each of vinegar and water. White vinegar or apple cyder vinegar will do. The vinegary smell goes away, and this is more effective than baking soda.

Chlorine in tap water

Chloramine and chlorine contained in tap water is harsh on the body. Use a sink or portable drinking water chlorine filter, or refill bottles at a drinking water dispensary. Optionally, a shower chlorine filter can be used for bathing.


The information on this website is not meant to substitute medical advice, and it's not meant to treat or cure any condition. While the author has striven for this website to be accurate at the time it was written, there are many gaps in knowledge about endocrinology, and the understanding of endocrinology is also evolving. The reader is responsible for taking care of their well-being. Please research and check with local relevant authoritative guidelines, and/or with your practitioner. The author of this website is not liable or responsible whatsoever for injury or loss by accident, error, omission or any other cause occasioned with information or suggestions in this book. This website makes no claims of efficacy.

The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to her/his health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. It is inadvisable to diagnose yourself, for example about imbalances, so it is better to see a medical professional in that case.

Information or suggestions on this website are not intended for conceiving, pregnant, or lactating women, and for those with poor physical or mental health.

Avoid bust enhancement if pregnant, nursing, conceiving or if health issues are present. Bust enhancing, nutritional, dietary, and other information or suggestions in this book are not intended for conceiving, pregnant, or lactating women. Also, avoid if physical or mental health is poor, and be cautious of social environments. blog

Anon12: 2024, April and July - August 29, 2024
Anon12 images from April and July.

Anon14: August 2024 - August 25, 2024
Anon14 images from July. She said there was minor growth, though it's difficult to tell by the images. Definite hip growth.

Anon12: July 2024 - July 04, 2024
Anon12 images from July. Difficult to see if there was growth.

Lignan adjustments: July 7, 2024 - July 08, 2024
Removing herbal lignans from some recommendations, seemed to be adding to swelling/bloating.

Journal note - July 08, 2024
About journal for more constant and minor page changes of herb and program pages. Update on Anon14.

Adjustments to herb schedule related to progestins - July 04, 2024
The recommendations that went along with herbal progestins, seemed to be adding to swelling/bloating

Nonmenses addition for estrogenic symptoms - July 04, 2024
For nonmenses, intended to be the simplified herb schedule, an addition will be added for estrogenic symptoms when there's no swelling.

IUD herb program - June 07, 2024
IUD program

Anon14 - June 07, 2024

Anon12 - June 07, 2024

Status: herb programs by end of May - May 31, 2024
Status for end of May

Updated herb schedules - April 27, 2024
Updated herb schedules, closer to how they were before

Determining updates for luteal phase schedule - March 07, 2024
The luteal phase schedule causes unnecessary swelling/bloating, which doesn't aid in growth. Working on updating this.

Status of non-menses herb schedule - February 22, 2024
Scrapping latest non-menses herb schedule. is back - May 03, 2024 is back

