Botanical Breast Enhancement: Guide

Simplified herbal breast enlargement program for proliferative, luteal, BCP



This is an attempt so simplify the herb schedule for proliferative phase, luteal phase, BCP (birth control pill) use and IUD (intrauterine device) use. A separate herb schedule is meant for menses. A lot from the proliferative phase herb schedule can be carried over to luteal phase and for BCP use. There's less herb/food combinations that will work for proliferative phase, so depending on symptoms, these recommendations are suitable for luteal phase and BCP use. For additional information on program use with BCP or with an IUD, see: BCP01.

For reproductive health, hips should grow without fluctuating so much afterwards, or remain the same. Body temperature of upper and lower body also indicative of reproductive health. It's important to be aware of hormonal signs.

Signs of acne, mucus, swelling or temporary growth are indications that a herb/seed containing both phytoprogestin and phytoestrogen properties had a short term effect, aside from the body's natural ability.

Hip and butt growth

To focus on hip and butt growth, use the same herb schedule for breast growth. Too much sunflower can cause excess estrogenic signs, so the amount of sunflower can be lowered if needed. For high estrogenic signs, take the recommendation for that, which includes a primarily phytoprogestin food or herb.

This proliferative herb schedule for hip and butt growth is also the one of interest for hormone imbalances, including hirsutism. Keep track of body signs throughout.

Herbs/foods and substitutions

Sunflower seed can be replaced by barley, pumpkin and perhaps rye seed. However, the correct amounts of those seeds to be used has to be discovered and adjusted. Sunflower is helpful for increasing estrogen response of the reproductive tract, and for maintaining proliferative phase.

This herb schedule will use phytoprogestin herbs that have insignificant amounts of phytoestrogens, so depending on symptoms, it will be compatible for proliferative phase, luteal phase and BCP use. Primarily phytoprogestin herbs and foods include: peanuts, walnuts, saw palmetto, wild yam powder, olive oil and coconut oil. These can be used interchangeably. Peanut butter, walnut butter and other potential primarily phytoprogestin foods must be natural and lack artificial ingredients and hydrogenated oils. Wild yam is suggested in powdered or capsule form because it is physically hard. There are other phytoprogestin herbs and foods, but they have significant amounts of phytoestrogens or other hormonal properties as well, so they won't be considered primarily phytoprogestogenic for the purposes of this website. Fenugreek and fennel aren't recommended as interchangable substitutes because of their additional properties.

It's important to eat dietary fiber. Up to 1,000mg daily of vitamin C supplementation can be used on any day for any symptom, though its use is especially useful for when there's breast swelling regardless of other signs.

Other herbs/foods will be discussed in other sections below.


Metabolic edibles (foods, beverages, supplements and spices) seemed to interfere with estrogen production, which has usually caused setbacks, especially for this phase. It is important that metabolic edibles don't interfere with these doses.

Significantly estrogenic herbs need to be avoided for proliferative phase and for transition times between phases. Hops, dill, thistles and clover are strongly estrogenic herbs. Fenugreek and pueraria aren't as estrogenic, but their phytoestrogen is enough that they aren't expected to work well during proliferative phase. If foods with phytoestrogens are used, their use needs to be minimized for proliferative. should especially be avoided for proliferative phase.

No Swelling: breasts cool and/or hips warm

Swelling includes nipple puffiness, bloating or any breast or bodily swelling.

If hips are warm, regardless of breast temperature, this can be taken, as long as there's not any bodily/breast swelling or bloating.

  • Any palatable amount of a primarily phytoprogestin food/herb
  • 3 to 8 sunflower seeds

This can be repeated as soon as breast widening or hip growth occur, so long as this is not due to swelling, puffiness or bloating. It needs to also be repeated when breast elongation occurs, as long as it's not due to swelling, bloating or puffiness.

Taking more sunflower with a phytoprogestin causes swelling, which then has to be reduced, with sunflower by itself. Balance the amount of sunflower seed to an amount below which normally causes swelling for this phase. 5 to 10 sunflower seeds is the range that needs to be taken with a predominately phytoprogestin.

There needs to be enough phytoprogestin for balance and antagonism, and the hormones that account for when there's swelling or bloating substitute for this.

Hip growth is encouraged for those with a past history of hormone imbalances, including for those with current hirsutism. More than 20 sunflower seeds at a time may cause a hormone imbalance.

During premenstrual, there are likely to be other symptoms that won't apply to this part of the herb schedule. It also needs to be confirmed if this works through and near the time of ovulation for the transition between proliferative to luteal. If you've had a hormone balance before, avoid this during transition times between phases for now.

Estrogenic symptoms and breasts cool

When there's estrogenic symptoms and when breasts are cool, take plenty of primarily phytoprogestins for an extended amount of time without sunflower (or sunflower substitutes).

Estrogenic signs on the breasts include breast elongation.

Estrogenic symptoms on the hips include headache, abdominal discomfort, negative mood and cramps.

If the herbs aren't immediately available, gentle areola massage can also be used to lessen unwanted signs associated with high estrogen levels, such as cramps, headache or abdominal discomfort. This may cause androgenic (testosterone) signs and lowered estrogen symptoms soon after.

Luteal phase variations (optional)

There are more food/herb combinations that can be taken for luteal phase. This includes fenugreek. Other fenugreek like herbs can also be tried here, including shatavari, maca and pueraria.

Hops can be used for when there's no swelling, and possibly when there's acne, but not when breasts are cool. The suggestion is of minimal hops, plenty of progestins, sunflower and perhaps a peasize of lavender. Sunflower substitute can also be used. While this has worked, it needs additional confirmations.

Swelling: breasts cool and/or hips warm

If hips are warm, no matter if breasts and upper body are warm. and there's breast swelling, this can still be taken anyway if there's acne, breast tingling or other signs. If breasts are cool this can also be taken.

When any swelling or swelling shape occurs including bloating, but without other symptoms (like acne or premenstrual signs), eat:

  • 8 sunflower seeds, no sooner than every hour
  • vitamin C supplement up to 1,000mg daily (optional but recommended)
  • if it's the transition between menses to proliferative, or around the time of ovulation, 2 sunflower seeds, no sooner than every hour should be used to reduce swelling; this can be used also if you're unsure of phase

Breast swelling is a different sign than breast widening. For examples of breast swelling, breast swelling shape and other bodily bloating: appendix/swelling-bloating. It needs to be confirmed if nipple puffiness is always a type of swelling, as it could possibly be due to temporary milk production.

Once hip or breast growth occurs, continue with the herb schedule for when there's no swelling/puffiness/bloating.

Vitamin C and half a cup of water are also helpful for swelling/bloating. Phytoprogestins and phytoestrogens need to be avoided while there's any breast or bodily swelling, as they also don't work during this time.

Transition from menses to proliferative, when there's swelling/bloating

Growth may not necessarily occur at the beginning of proliferative phase, but it's important that hormone balance be established for growth to occur for this phase and for health. If too much sunflower is used, secretory phase may start much sooner than expected.

If there's bloating or breast swelling after menses seems to have stopped, it may be a transition period between menses and proliferative. Eat 2 sunflower seeds at a time, no sooner than every hour, until bloating and swelling go away. After that, proceed with the herb schedule for proliferative.

When hips are cool and breasts are warm

When certain signs such as acne, breast soreness, breast tingling or headache occur, check to see if hips are cool and breasts are warm. If so, then the recommendation includes 15 sunflower seeds and 5 sesame seeds. After that, either 3 minutes later or as soon as breasts cool, take the recommendation for either symptom in sections above for either swelling or estrogenic signs.

Acne also includes pimples for this purpose. There's also more differences of this for proliferative and luteal phases. Dietary fiber which doesn't have strong hormonal properties, such as apples or 1/4 cup of brown rice, can also be used to lower acne.

Acne and other signs may stay longer than indications of breast warming. So continue with the herb schedule depending on breast and hip temperature, than those specific signs.

There may be similar symptoms or combined symptoms which aren't of those below, and the recommendation for those aren't complete at this time. These recommendations aren't for breast or other bodily swelling. Also, this section's suggestions aren't for premenstrual symptoms.

Proliferative phase

When there's no swelling and when breasts are warm:

  • 15 sunflower seeds
  • 5 sesame seeds
  • 3 minutes later or when breasts get estrogenic signs, take the recommendation for swelling or no swelling for warm hips and/or cool breasts

If breasts are cool, whether or not there's acne or tingling, continue with the herb schedule for when there's no signs.

When acne occurs from taking sunflower (with or without sesame), that may be an indication that luteal phase has begun.

For proliferative, indications of hip temperature may not be necessary, as the body tries to produce estrogen for this phase, and sunflower seed is enough to improve estrogen response of the hips.

Luteal phase

  • 15 sunflower seeds
  • 5 sesame seeds
  • 1 fenugreek seed (unsure at the moment if any primarily progestin or fenugreek substitute can replace this for these signs) this one may be optional
  • 3 minutes later or when breasts get estrogenic signs, take the recommendation for swelling or no swelling for warm hips and/or cool breasts (for a few hours whether or not the temperature has changed)

If sesame and sunflower cause acne, it may be luteal phase. A primarily progestin can possibly be added here. A fenugreek substitute could be tried here.

The suggestion for when hips are warm, and when these other symptoms are the same, are without sesame seed, so this suggestion also matches the one above mentioned and the one for when there's no signs. When breasts are cool for either of these other same signs, the suggestion is also the same as for those without signs, or waiting as the body can take over an hour to rebalance hormones. Temperature of the forehead, armpits and rest of the upper body may match the general temperature of the breasts, as the orgin of basic temperature may start at the breasts. There's other symptoms of luteal, which still, the recommendation for that aren't complete.

Fenugreek can likely be replaced with similar herbs or primarily phytoprogestin herbs. Hops can likely be used with those other phytoprogestin herbs to complete the needed properties, if fenugreek isn't available.

Hops can likely be taken with one of these combination. It has been taken with similar combinations in the past with success during luteal, when there was acne.

Other signs

If there's acne and swelling/bloating, use the recommendation for swelling instead. However, if there's also premenstrual signs, the suggestion isn't determined. The basis of the recommendation would be around sunflower seed to focus on lowering swelling, regardless of other signs, and up to 1,000mg daily of vitamin C. Estrogenic herbs can't be used when there's swelling.

Androgenic sign of excess arousal

Areola massage can be used for the androgenic (testosterone) sign of excess arousal. Still need to determine ideal herbal combination for this. It may depend on other signs. This symptom may be common with acne as it's an androgenic symptom. Those recommendations may take care of this symptom.

Hip heat

If hips are abnormally warm for proliferative or luteal, take 8 sunflower seeds. Then, take the recommendation for the symptom in the above herb schedule. Hip temperature is expected to lower. Also, look for minor hip growth.

Transition times

Signs that ovulation has occurred: abdominal sensations; when sunflower without phytoprogestin causes acne; mucus has changed or when temperature increased a day after taking a phytoprogestin herb.


For someone at the beginning of proliferative phase, there was difficulty balancing hormones and starting breast growth. Sunflower wasn't causing breast growth while there was breast puffiness. There was also acne during when there was puffiness.

The recommendation for this has been updated, to take 8 sunflower seeds when there's swelling/puffiness or bloating no more than once an hour until hip or breast growth occurs. When there's acne and swelling/puffiness, 5 sesame seeds should be held off on in addition to 8 sunflower seeds, until swelling/puffiness goes away, then used with sunflower seed while there's still acne.

About other herbs/foods/supplements


Fenugreek is a phytoprogestin which is also estrogenic, so for proliferative, it only can work on the first day, and it doesn't work as consistently as primarily phytoprogestin foods/herbs. There are other herbs like fenugreek, and some may fall on the range between fenugreek and primarily phytoprogestin herbs. Primarily phytoprogestin herbs work more consistently with this herb schedule through proliferative phase, luteal phase and BCP use.

Fenugreek use once meant for the first day of proliferative phase was replaced with a primarily phytoprogestin, because these have a better proportion of the needed properties, and can to be used throughout this phase. As a result, the herb schedule is more consistent and there's also less guesswork for the beginning of proliferative.


Fennel is another herb which is strongly a phytoprogestin, but it won't be considered a primarily phytoprogestin for this website. It also has other hormonal properties of raising FSH, which is not wanted due to potential egg release, and this may not be sustainable for reproductive health. If fennel were to be used, it would be limited to luteal phase, and it should be avoided for anyone who had a past history of hormone imbalances. It is important that there's an indication of mucus (which shows evidence of estrogen production by the follicle) before trying fennel during luteal. Too much fennel, even ½ seed at a time, can cause menses to restart. Fennel seed must be used in a minimal amount at a time. Partition a tea that includes 1 fennel for several uses. For instance, a cup of tea made with 1 fennel seed would be taken a sip at a time for a few days. The idea was to take as little fennel as possible, and to make the most gains with the right proportion of other herbs and the body's hormone balance. A previous suggestion had adding ½ fennel seed to the first tea of proliferative, if this tea was missed on the first day of this phase. The fennel seed would have been cut in half for use in the tea, if it could be done so safely.

Other lignans

Flax seed is more powerful and in a smaller size than sunflower seed, so the amount needed may be more difficult to determine. While flaxseed can be eaten, it's hard on the teeth.

Lavender contains lignans that work as sunflower, but the amounts needed for use may be difficult to determine. This can potentially be limited to teas of a sip at a time during swelling for luteal phase.

About topical substances

If you've had hormone imbalances in the past, avoid topical oils.

Use of topical flaxseed or sunflower oil could possibly cause an imbalance. Edible sunflower seeds in small amounts is plenty.

Avoid topical estrogen and sesame seed oil.


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