Botanical Breast Enhancement: Guide

Past notes on evening primrose use



Evening primrose is no longer recommended during proliferative [or any other time, because its use is unsustainable for reproductive health]. The past requirements for the herb are still needed, but should probably be adjusted.

This herb schedule is outdated and is for archival purposes.

For further introduction on starting a herbal program, please see: guide. For information and programs on correcting hirsutism, please also see: hirsutism-topic. There are programs with images of growth under the category of: Programs. To determine when to use parts of these herb schedules, please see: menstrual phases.

Please see, the programs:

  • Menses: For normalizing menses and alleviating unwanted symptoms.
  • Nonmenses: Simplified program for nonmenses which can substitute proliferative and luteal programs.
    • Proliferative: Program for proliferative phase.
    • Luteal: Program for luteal phase. Secretory and premenstrual phases are a part of luteal phase.
    • BCP01: This program is for BCP and IUD use. It uses the nonmenses herb schedule, but depending on responses to certain herb combinations, the proliferative and luteal herb schedules can be used as well.

Notes of past use

Evening primrose require[d] sunflower, spearmint and fennel whenever it is used. Oenothera [evening primrose] should be used no more than once per [mid-]secretory phase. This herb shouldn\'t be used sooner than when mucus starts for proliferative phase. Fenugreek can probably be added to this herb combination.

Unfortunately, evening primrose supplements usually come in high amounts. Use no more than 1 or 2 drops of evening primrose at a time[: this amount is potent]. Use with olive oil or coconut oil. An individual capsule can be diluted in olive or coconut oil for extended use.


Looking back, evening primrose seems more gentle than that of fenugreek or pueraria, but it still requires a minimal amount of: fennel, sunflower and spearmint. The doses of evening primrose are also often too strong, so it needs to be diluted, because even a drop is highly effective.

During proliferative

Sunflower, fennel, spearmint, evening primrose

At a future time during proliferative phase, she will try evening primrose, sunflower, spearmint and fennel. This combination has lowered hot-flashes and body temperature for someone with hirsutism. Fennel and sunflower use may require evening primrose and spearmint for efficacy. The theory is that fennel added to evening primrose, sunflower and spearmint will maintain more permanent results, and allow more consistency.

A combination of evening primrose, spearmint, sunflower and fennel has worked once during early proliferative phase to improve temperature for someone with hot-flashes in the hirsutism blog, but the results [from that] aren't shown there. Variations of this haven't been consistent yet for her, but it is expected to work in this program.

She tried one capsule of evening primrose and 50mg each of spearmint, sunflower and fennel as tea for the beginning of proliferative phase.

After 12 hours, there was breast tingling. Breasts grew in width by a cup size after 24 hours.

Temperature lowered by .2°C, suggesting a minor estrogenic response. The end results suggest a balanced hormonal response, however, it took time for this to occur.

Sunflower, fennel, evening primrose, fenugreek

For proliferative phase, she took evening primrose, fennel, sunflower and fenugreek. Her breasts grew the next day, but her temperature lowered to below normal [35.5°C]. There was also cervical mucus the next day.

This combination is not ideal to take during proliferative phase. It is also not expected to work for those with hirsutism01 during proliferative phase, because it took until the next day to cause breast growth.

Her body temperature normalized to 36.0°C. She also had headaches, which could be a sign of increased estrogen. Minor breast pains came with growth, and there was a minor increase in hip width.

The full combination of evening primrose, fennel, sunflower and fenugreek shouldn't be taken during proliferative phase for those with hormone imbalances. For those who don't have hormone imbalances, it is unhealthy to take this more than once for proliferative phase, because of the few irregular symptoms. The body had to balance too many effects from this combination.

Sunflower, fennel, evening primrose

[This herb combination needs (spear|pepper)mint for better consistency.]

For the first day of proliferative phase, she took evening primrose and 50mg fennel. Before taking this, her temperature was 37°C, and an hour later, her temperature lowered to 36.6°C. About two hours later, her breasts widened to fill her C cup bra. After this, she took sunflower seed, and there was an insignificant increase in breast size, and temperature increased by .1°C.

Her temperature is normally higher than normal, possibly because of low estrogens, but she doesn't have hirsutism.

After taking evening primrose, there is a duration of time where it takes the body to balance out the effects, to get an estrogenic result, that varies for some until the next day. The results add to evidence that sunflower seed works better when it is taken before the effects of evening primrose balance out.

For those with hirsutism01, this is not expected to work during the first few days of proliferative phase.

Sunflower, evening primrose, spearmint

[This herb combination is not recommended, because it lacks fennel.]

For proliferative phase, she will try 1 capsule of evening primrose, and minimal amounts of spearmint and sunflower as tea.

Fennel is removed from this dose, because it targets both ERα and ERβ, and the theory is for there to not be progestogenic action on ERβ for until [it is seen that] estrogen increases for an attempted consistent result for everyone.

She tried evening primrose, spearmint and sunflower. It slightly lowered temperature, within a few hours, suggesting normalizing estrogen levels. The next day, her breasts grew in length, but not width, indicating also primarily estrogenic effects. The effect was a cup size. However, breast size returned to their size before she took this, 5 to 7 days later.

The effect of evening primrose, spearmint and sunflower were temporary, where the effects went away by the next phase. This suggests that the herb combination needs fennel to boost and maintain the effects, either with the first or second dose.

Sunflower, evening primrose

[This herb combination is not recommended, because it lacks fennel and spearmint.]

On the third day of proliferative phase, evening primrose and sunflower was taken, without other herbs. After three hours, there was breast tingling, and another hour later, there was breast growth in length and in width[?]. Temperature lowered by .8°C. These results indicate a balanced estrogenic response on ERα.

Without sunflower, growth usually takes until the next day, or doesn't happen for everyone. Sunflower alone causes breast shrinking, instead of growth.

The next time evening primrose is used during proliferative or secretory phases, additional sunflower will be added after its presence in an attempt to see further evidence of sunflower's effect on normalizing body temperature and for signs of improved estrogen response. Sunflower hasn't worked on its own, and only seemed to work with or after pueraria or evening primrose.

During secretory

Evening primrose, fennel, sunflower, spearmint, hops, fenugreek

The full combination of evening primrose, fennel, sunflower, spearmint, hops and fenugreek may not necessarily work.

Evening primrose, fennel, sunflower, spearmint, hops

For next secretory phase, she will take evening primrose, fennel, sunflower, mint and hops. Hops consistently causes growth when taken with spearmint. Sunflower and fennel require the rest of the combination. Fenugreek is being considered with this based on results below.

Here are results after taking evening primrose, fennel, sunflower, spearmint and hops during secretory phase. Within 2 hours, temperature lowered from 36.7° to 36.3° which was from normal temperature for secretory phase to low temperature. Headache was a symptom, and there was also plenty of mucus. Within 12 to 24 hours, breast sized increased in width more than in length. There were no noticable changes of hips.

The results suggest an estrogenic effect on ERβ and a progestogenic effect on ERα. (ERα's effects are expressed in the breasts and fallopian tube.)

Evening primrose, fennel, sunflower, fenugreek

She took 1 capsule of evening primrose, 50mg fennel, 50mg fenugreek and 50mg sunflower seed. Everything except evening primrose was taken as tea.

After 6 hours, there was breast tingling and minor breast growth. Temperature was 36.5°C before, and 36.3°C after 6 hours, which is low for secretory phase. The next day, her breasts grew a cup size, and there was about a 3cm (1.2") increase in hip circumference. Breast size increased in width and length, but more in width.

The recommendation is 1 capsule of evening primrose, and tea of 100mg fenugreek, 50mg fennel and 50mg sunflower for secretory phase. If temperature rises, eat dietary fiber, and test if sunflower seed lowers temperature within the next hour, because sunflower will only have a desirable effect in the presence of evening primrose. If there is frequent urination, eat healthy fatty foods. Do not repeat a combination with evening primrose, until there is breast growth. There are two entries using variants of this combination for secretory phase below.

Evening primrose, fennel, sunflower

During the beginning of secretory phase, evening primrose, fennel and sunflower seed were used together. This dosage left out fenugreek, to first see the effects of sunflower seed with evening primrose and fennel.

This dose took until the next day to cause breast growth. For those with estrogen deficiency or other hormone imbalances, this result may not work, because the herb combination took until the next day.

For the begining of next secretory phase, evening primrose, fennel, sunflower and fenugreek will be used.

Evening primrose, fennel, fenugreek

During [the first few days of] secretory phase, 1 capsule of evening primrose, 100mg of fenugreek and 50mg of fennel were used together. Fennel, which lowers follicle stimulating hormone, requires evening primrose, which raises follicle stimulating hormone. Fenugreek is present to raise estrogens, progestogens with androgens, and to nourish the ovaries.

This dosage caused widening of breasts and [of] the [lower] abdominal area. Her cup size was a C. She had mild inverted nipple before, and this dose increased her nipple size. There were no significant changes in body hair or acne.

[Later] herb proposal[s] will add sunflower seed to this combination. [See above for updates.]


Evening primrose is no longer recommended, because it releases follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which is unsustainable for continued reproductive health.

Evening primrose requires sunflower, spearmint and fennel. Evening primrose use with any combination should be diluted and limited to once during mid to late secretory phase, and more seldomly, no more [than once] after mucus starts during mid proliferative phase.

Proliferative: evening primrose, spearmint, fennel, sunflower

This suggestion is being cancelled, because typical available dosages of evening primrose are too high. Evening primrose oil from a capsule can be diluted in olive oil for extended use. The full combination is expected to consistently cause breast growth, but it requires properly identified solid herbs that don't have an old shelflife. Leaving out any herb from this combination isn't hormonally balanced, and it doesn't allow for consistent breast growth.

By the time there is mucus during proliferative phase, the follicle typically releases enough inhibin to counterbalance FSH's effects, and the LH and progesterone action from the herbs in this combination should also keep relevant receptors sensitive. This combination was intended to invigorate estrogen response in the case of low estrogen, or for use for those with estrogenic balance. It is ok for sporadic or limited use, and it should be safe this way, but it is better to take extra precaution from the increase of FSH that high amounts of evening primrose cause. Still, this herb method is safer than using herbs blindly, and using evening primrose without a guide. Evening primrose supplements come in high amounts, because it's the way that results can be seen. Spearmint, fennel, sunflower and possibly fenugreek bring hormonal balance to this.

Caffiene or foods or herbs known for increasing energy or weight loss within the effects of any herb combination, especially this one, would be expected to cause problems.

Evening primrose needs spearmint, fennel and sunflower for a balanced and consistent hormonal response. Oenothera has [inconsistently] caused growth by itself, but a balanced and consistent hormonal response is desired.

Evening primrose raises Follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH). Spearmint provides a [follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estrogenic,] luteinizing hormone (LH) and androgenic response, and fennel provides a balanced progestogenic response. Sunflower needs to be taken with [and soon] after the rest of the herbs to improve a positive response. These herbs need to be taken together to provide consistent positive effects on receptor subtypes (ER-α, ER-β, AR and progesterone receptors) for breast growth and for improving hormonal balance. Hops and wild yam haven't provided the desired result in the past that fennel has caused during proliferative phase.

The [follicle's] production of inhibin [lowers] FSH levels during proliferative. Estrogen produced from the ovarian follicle lowers LH and prolactin. Bodies with sufficient body fat and hormonal balance are likely to better balance hormonal effects from herbs. It is recommended to skip a day between taking herbs for proliferative phase, and to only continue if there are positive results.

Evening primrose & sunflower for proliferative phase?

Follicle stimulating hormone and estrogen develop the ovarian follicle. Sunflower has [corticosteroid] compounds, that seem to behave more like bodily estrogen, than that of other phytoestrogens.

In the past, when [evening] primrose was used, it caused hot-flashes, but no signs of additional hirsutism by the next day. It seemed as if there were increased estrogenic signs on the lower body, but signs of lowered estrogen on the upper body. When she drank water, her hot-flashes got worse, and it caused urination. When she took fiber, sunflower seed and fats, her body temperature lowered to a normal value.

Another time, mint, fennel, evening primrose and sunflower were used, which increased estrogenic signs. When followed up with evening primrose, the positive results went away.

I later had trouble repeating positive outcomes. When evening primrose or sunflower seed were used alone during early proliferative phase, signs of estrogen deficiency increased. Mint, fennel and evening primrose together didn't work well either [nothing happened]. Mint and evening primrose both raised FSH. Fennel lowers FSH, which is expected to antagonize for an increase of FSH output. What was likely missing is the combination of evening primrose and sunflower seed, which, when used roughly with the effects of each other, had shown positive signs.

After taking evening primrose, sunflower & fennel [proliferative phase]

She took a drop of evening primrose, a minimal amount of fennel and sunflower seed still during proliferative phase, October 25. It immediately caused breast pains. After minor breast pains went away, it caused slight breast shrinking and frequent urination. The last time this happened, taking sunflower seed, olive oil and fiber increased signs of estrogen, and it normalized frequency of urination. Sunflower seed has also normalized body temperature and reduced hot-flashes, when taken during the effects of evening primrose, during proliferative phase.

It seems that during proliferative phase, sunflower seed can only be used for positive results in the presence of the effects of evening primrose and possibly when there is acne. I was apprehensive about suggesting more sunflower seed, even though this was likely to improve estrogenic symptoms, as it has seemed to under some conditions in the past. She has taken a break.

Hot-flashes have subsided

Hot-flashes have subsided, but it is not certain if this is from evening primrose later balancing itself out.

For those with estrogen deficiency or other hormone imbalances, avoid taking herbs for proliferative phase until the herb schedule around evening primrose is improved.

Evening primrose, spearmint & sunflower

Last year during the summer, she took mint, fennel, sunflower and evening primrose during proliferative phase, and this lowered hot-flashes and caused breast tingling. Then, taking a different combination of this interrupted results. Trying to repeat this was difficult, because in retrospect it seems like sunflower, mint and evening primrose were needed together for consistent results.

Early Proliferative phase

Using fennel/lavender and evening primrose too early set back the cycle during proliferative phase, and caused breast shrinking.

When there is lack of cervical mucus, fennel/lavender and evening primrose cause adverse symptoms. When cervical mucus secretion just starts and is thick, it is still too early to use evening primrose and fennel/lavender.

Androgenic & hairloss problems still unresolved

Body temperature was lowering a week ago, July 27th, a day after taking primrose. Primrose has normally raised temperature, then lowered it during menstruation and early proliferative phase. Balanced fats, vitamin C and fiber were working to lower temperature to 36.4°C over the course of a day, last month.

This cycle, fennel and evening primrose were taken prematurely [during proliferative phase], then temperature raised, and the problem stopped getting better. Today, cervical mucus occured which is a sign of estrogen production, but temperature remains high. Taking a break, waiting for estrogen to increase on its own.


An estrogenic response can be acheived without evening primrose, so it's better to not use it. Avoid evening primrose completely during menses, premenstrual and ovulation.

Evening primrose, fennel and lavender were investigated for their efficacy in treating excessive androgens and its symptoms.

From the effects of evening primrose and fennel during proliferative and secretory phases, there are premises of adding an herbal estrogenic analog that affects ERβ, and combining evening primrose and fennel with fenugreek. Sunflower has worked conditionally to improve estrogenic signs. One idea is for sunflower seed to provide additional estrogenic antagonism when taken with evening primrose and fennel during secretory phase, while not increasing estrogen enough to interrupt the cycle. The other idea is for evening primrose and fennel to work synergistically with fenugreek to improve ovarian response of estrogen.

Also wondering if evening primrose oil with fennel can be used together for early proliferative phase.

If used during the wrong time, Primrose alone raised body temperature, but it did not [noticeably] increase [other] androgenic symptoms. In the past [for others who didn't have estrogen deficiency], [a few] days into proliferative phase and during secretory phase, primrose, lavender and fennel together lowered body temperature and increased estrogenic responses. The idea was to use primrose to test whether fennel and lavender can be taken on a day without adverse effects.

When evening primrose was taken during menstruation and early proliferative phase, there was a raise in body temperature and breast shrinking. Primrose did not cause [other] androgenic symptoms, however.

Evening primrose, spearmint, fennel and sunflower only when used in the full combination have the potential to work for both proliferative and secretory phase. This may be useful when it's difficult to determine which phase it is, or if there is uncertainty whether ovulation has occured.

This full herbal combination will likely be useful for lowering hot-flashes for those who have them during proliferative phase, secretory phase and possibly premenstrual phase.

Evening primrose requires sunflower seed for better consistency. Either should not be used alone. For those with hormonal balance, sunflower seems to [speed up] the time that evening primrose causes breast swelling. Temperature has to be monitored while taking sunflower seed to help determine its efficacy.

For those with hormonal imbalances, Evening primrose is better limited to secretory phase and in a noted successful combination with it. There's no suggestion of using evening primrose and sunflower seed during menstruation or [late] premenstrual phase.

The [working] theory is to add a minimal amount of spearmint as tea to evening primrose and sunflower. The idea is to use spearmint to keep FSH receptors from desensitizing, because spearmint also raises LH. Sunflower is there to improve the effects of estrogen response, likely by keeping estrogen receptors sensitive. It would be better to try this for secretory phase.

The theory is that evening primrose, which increases FSH, increased production of estrogen by the follicle, which was not immediately enough to overcome FSH [in the upper body]. Evening primrose with sunflower seed should maintain a positive hormonal effect on the ovarian follicle. For those who are not estrogen deficient and have more body fat, the effects of evening primrose are balanced out more quickly and consistently with fewer noticeable decreases in estrogen production, until the body is capable of increasing estrogen levels.

Evening primrose raises FSH, but its effect during proliferative phase wasn't fully understood in relation to the ovarian follicle. It worked well for those with sufficient body fat and estrogenic balance. During secretory phase, evening primrose in combination with fennel has consistently worked to cause breast growth and lower hot flashes. Evening primrose with fennel has also caused breast shape to get wider and shorter during secretory. If timed right for some during proliferative phase, evening primrose and fennel caused breast shape to grow in width and length. Lengthening of the breast implies an estrogenic effect, while widening of the breast implies a progestogenic effect. Fennel lowers FSH, and it has mild prolactin like and progestogenic properties. Evening primrose and fennel together are likely to enhance FSH response. During secretory phase, evening primrose and fennel together seemed to have a progestogenic effect on the breasts, and based on lowering of hot-flashes a sufficient estrogenic effect on the ovaries.