Successful breast enlargement results for Jellie from early 2020.
Vegetarian breast enlargement can be acheived by understanding secrets about herb properties and their effects on breast development. Successful natural bust augmentation has been achieved from using the information throughout this website, including the offered free ebook, breast-endocrinology.pdf.
Learn about the other hormone types that work with estrogens that achieve breast development, and learn about the phytohormones contained in botanicals that regulate or mimic serum hormones. In the right combinations, certain herbs will influence growth, if further breast enhancement is possible.
The optimal time to try herbal breast enhancement is during fertility age. Read the free ebook to see the hormonal properties and required proportions of asparagus (Shatavari), clover, fennel, asparagus (Shatavari), fenugreek, hops, lavender, and other herbs that assist with bust enlargement. Blog contains updates.
The information in this website and ebook can be adapted to any type of nutritional diet: vegetarian, kosher, etc...
When suggesting botanicals for breast health, breast enhancement and related purposes, I try to choose the ones that have anticarcinogenic or antitumor properties. There is more information available on botanicals that were tested to make cancerous cells grow, while sometimes this also causes growth for healthy cells. I avoid recommending botanicals based on results from studies that show them stimulating unhealthy cells. Despite choosing botanicals with anticarcinogenic properties towards their target, or botanicals from studies on healthy cells, a hormone imbalance is a cancer risk.
For descriptions and pictures of natural breast enlargement, see programs. There are also programs on improving alopecia and decreasing hirsutism.
Successful breast enlargement results for Jellie from early 2020.
Successful breast enlargement results for Anon02 from 2017 until 2018.
Successful breast enlargement results for [Bubblemelon]. Her program wasn't restricted to a vegetarian plan, and it included breast pumping. However, botanicals were the effective cause of natural breast augmentation shown.
The picture is from June 2015, and the [most significant] results were made within a year.